15 Euro

Cosa offro

Disponibile a spostarsi
Lezioni online
Tutor con orari flessibili
Aiuto per compiti a casa

Le mie materie
Inglese alle elementari e medie, Matematica alle scuole elementari, Matematica alle scuole medie,
Su di me: ecco chi sono!

I am Ritesh Wankhade and I come from Mumbai, India.

I studied Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in Mumbai, India.

I finished my Master in Energy Enginering in Free University of Bolzano in October 2019 and currently pursuing PhD in Free University of Bolzano.

Ho deciso di dare ripetioni perchè...

I would like to give repitions because, I would like to improve my teaching and skills of explaining things which will also help to revise my studies. I would also like to have some feedback from students which will also help to iprove myself.

Le mie materie: cosa intendo insegnare e perchè?

I intend to teach mathematics and if possible, Mechanical engineering subjects as I am also a Mechanical engineer and also be updated with the new things which are being developed in the engineering sector.

I would also like to teach English.

La mia esperienza come tutor/insegnante

For now, I do not have any experience as a tutor / teacher. I would like to gain that experience by using this platform.

Cosa faccio nel tempo libero

I like to hike, listen to the Music, outdoor activities, sports, etc.

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