- Bolzano

15 Euro

Cosa offro

Disponibile a spostarsi
Lezioni online
Lezioni di gruppo
Tutor con esperienza
Tutor con orari flessibili
Aiuto per compiti a casa
Prima ora gratis

Le mie materie
La mia esperienza come tutor/insegnante

I work with a language centre in Bolzano to teach English. My experience includes teaching English for the past 3 years to native Germans and Italians.

Perchè dovresti scegliere me come tuo tutor?

English is almost my mother tongue. I experienced learning German for the past few years, and I am able to identity the individual requirements to learn a new language.

Le mie materie: cosa intendo insegnare e perchè?

English is my main priority. In addition, given my Engineering background, I am willing to take Mathematics classes for school students.

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